By Laws
AASP Bylaws
Last update: 6/21/2024
- SPORTSMANSHIP CODE OF CONDUCT: No official of an event, in any capacity, shall at any time be subjected to unsportsmanlike conduct in either word or deed. Any display of poor sportsmanship by either not only competitors, coaches, parents but also spouses and or family members or, in the case of a minor, the competitor’s parent and/or Coach, shall be cause for automatic dismissal of the competitor from the contest. This also applies to unsportsmanlike conduct directed to another competitor by any US Open of Adaptive Surfing Championships/Association of Adaptive Surfing Professionals competitor, competitor’s parent and/or Coach. A second infraction will result in dismissal for the remainder of the season. Included is any correspondence via email, text message, Social Media Postings or phone calls that are determined by the US Open of Adaptive Surfing Championships/Association of Adaptive Surfing Professionals to be threatening or abusive in nature or detrimental to the US Open of Adaptive Surfing Championships/Association of Adaptive Surfing Professionals in any manner.
- The AASP recognizes the difference in physical and visual impairments that require a variety of different adaptive surf classes to keep the adaptive competitive playing field level.
- If an athlete is classified to surf in more than one division, it will be allowed unless there is a competitive advantage.
- An unassisted surfer may NOT surf in any assisted division.
- An assisted surfer may NOT paddle themselves while being pushed into or while on the wave as it creates a competitive advantage.
- Any division can be split by gender (Men/Women) providing there are enough contestants to fill each division by gender (Minimum three participants).
- Once a division has been split by gender (Men/Women) there shall be no crossover allowed.
- Any surfer that has added an adaptation, i.e. a swim fin or a paddle, for safety purposes shall be allowed IF that adaptation does not provide a clear advantage while riding the wave.
- If rider is surfing on a Waveski, rider must be propelled by a paddle.
DEFINITION OF A WAVESKI: No longer than 12 feet/ 3.657 meters. Competitor must sit on top with bottom flush on seat. Feet must be in front of the body in foot wells. Must have fin(s). Propelled by use of a paddle. If the rider is sitting on top and surfing on a surfboard no paddle is required as a surfboard is not propelled by use of a paddle.
Association of Adaptive Surfing Professionals
Stoke for Life Foundation is a 501 c3 nonprofit (EIN# 81-1207879) geared towards ocean therapy and adaptive water sports, SFL created the U.S. Open ASC and the classification structure that is now recognized worldwide. Stoke for Life Foundation has initiated the structure and leadership team put together to build the international governing body for professional adaptive surfing known as the “Association of Adaptive Surfing Professional” or AASP.
Surfer Blessing
May the waves rise to meet you
May the winds be slightly offshore
May the sun shine warm on your face

2024 Copyright @ Association of Adaptive Surfing Professionals | (760) 520-5189 | | Site design: Design Grotto